Monday, June 2, 2008

Herbal remedies for acne and acne pills- to control oil

Acne, technically called as Acne vulgaris. This is the most frequent skin disease which affects millions of Americans teenagers annually. Initially this disease will be quite mild but when it becomes serious then it leads to major problem.
Prescription treatments are prescribed by a dermatologist and can include ointments for application on the affected area or oral antibiotics or just any topical ointment. In more serious cases your skin care specialist may decide that a small surgical procedure can be used to remove the oil and infection from your pores. You are warned never to attempt this yourself as it could lead to serious skin problems.
Secondly you can naturally cleanse your skin by using steam. Just boil a kettle of water pour it in the sink then put your face near the water and place a towel over your head and this will open your pores so that you can cleanse. When you are done just splash with cold water and pat your face dry.
tags: how to treat an acne breakout, does hand sanitizer help acne, infants face is so face dry and has acne

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