Monday, June 2, 2008

Acne free and acne and dermatology

No one needs to tell you how acne can affect your self esteem. Pimples on your face can impede upon your appearance lowering your self confidence. For the purpose of this article I am going to outline some vegetables you can eat to tackle this problem.
This is rather a tricky subject as not many people are aware that science has not completely shown whether acne is directly controlled by what you eat or drink. My personal view on this is that if your body is in a toxic state i.e. living on junk food and fizzy sugared drinks which cause the production of certain hormones will surely cause acne. Going on a good medical detox diet will ultimately help get rid of the toxins in your body and significantly reduce the occurrence of acne. Fresh fruit and large helpings of vegetables are most beneficial to the prevention of acne.
Like other forms of acne, cystic acne is caused by an excess of sebum that clogs the pores of the skin. The acne develops small cysts or nodules of inflammation. These cysts are larger and more painful than a regular acne pimple, and are pus-filled. Specific factors that may cause cystic acne are:
tags: acne is ruining my relationship, does zyporex work for acne on the back, how do i clear my acne without medication

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