Monday, June 2, 2008

Does noxema work for acne and home remedies to heal acne quick

You should also try out changing your pillow case frequently, so that the dirt and oil from your hair or face will not be on your skin throughout the night. Washing your clothes or bed sheets with a mild or fragrance free detergent is also an excellent way to make sure that your skin is not irritated.
Benzoyl peroxide is very effective on any kinds of acne, including blackheads. Just by applying a thin layer of benzoyl peroxide everyday, you are actually effectively preventing your blackheads. Do not overuse. This drug is very irritating and may cause serious rashes and itchiness if you overuse. Do not use more than twice a day. Also, if you have sensitive skin and irritation occurs easily even if you are using the gentlest cream, do not think about using benzoyl peroxide.
Rubbing your acne spots or, even worse, picking at them will spread the infection and could cause permanent scarring.
tags: acne medication causing toxins to go to the stomach, neck acne, lemon oil for use with hormonal acne

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