Thursday, October 2, 2008

How do i get rid of acne on my ass

« ...If you have acne then it's a good idea to look for and find the root cause of acne. I know how many doctors will tell you it's caused by sebum but that's the tip of the ice berg. Finding the real cause can help you actually work to solve it and give you clearer skin....
...Be consistent with treating your acne vulgaris and you will see positive results in four to six weeks. If your acne vulgaris does not respond well to your at-home treatment, see your doctor or dermatologist. He or she will be able to prescribe more aggressive treatments to help clear up and control your breakouts. Remember that acne vulgaris can be treated, but you must be consistent and give any method of treatment time to work....»
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«...This is the mental side of acne showing its ugly head once again. The key is to stay calm and your acne will improve. The higher levels of stress you have in your system the worse acne will get in a majority of people. So the goal and main bit of advice is to stay calm, you will notice some improvements almost immediately....»
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tags: fast acting acne treatments not store bought housely holds, acne and food intolerance, acne treatment for black people

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